Sunday, January 17, 2010

In spite of myself

The only exercise I've managed this week is to take my everyday walk at work. About 15-20min of a stroll around the buildings while gossiping. I've tried to pay attention to what I'm eating but honestly, sometimes I just don't want to care. Is that bad? I mean, I wish I was one of those dudes who could eat 10 cheeseburgers a couple of fries and a coke and not gain an ounce. *sigh* But, or should I say BIG OLE BUTT no? I can see that sausage egg mcmuffin sitting over here on my left thigh. Then over on the right thigh is that double chocolate fudge cake. Oh and lets not forget the alfredo sauce resting on my gut. Yeah, I didn't do too well in the calories consumed column this week. Nor did I do well in the exercise column. So, what was the outcome of this slothful week?

In spite of myself, I lost 2 lbs. Yeah, who would've thought it? Certainly did not occur to me. I'll take it though. I'm not throwing that 2lbs back in the pond.

It's been brought to my attention that I should probably invest in some good vitamins. Maybe some extra iron since Aunt Flo continues to show her ugly face and has extended her stay too many times. I think I see a Walmart vitamin trip in my future. I'm hopeful that this may help me get that lead feeling out of my big ole butt and get moving.

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