Saturday, January 2, 2010

Honesty? Did I really say that?

I did say I was going to be honest, so I will be.  I've not stuck to my little mini goals very well this past week.  I know, shame on me.  I totally let life get in the way of achieving my goals.  When will I learn that this is up to me? You get out of this exactly what you put in.
If we are what we eat, then this past week I was a large Coke, big greasy burger and side of fries.  Well, I won't be overly hard on myself.  I was careful about my portion sizes and only half the amount of soda that I have been used to consuming lately.  My walking partner at work was off for the week so I totally lacked the motivation to walk on my own.  The week appeared to be going down that slippery slope and I was doing nothing to stop it, when I met a friend for lunch on Thursday.  She was telling me all about her intention to join the YMCA and get healthy.  I spoke up that I have had my membership since summer and could count the times I'd made use of it on one hand.  "Would you like to start going with me?" she asked.  Suddenly, it was as if we were supposed to be having this conversation at that moment as the grease from my burger dripped down the back of my hand.  "Sure." I said around the mouthful of french fries.
I'm so glad to have started this with my friend.  We've decided to try out the classes and check out the equipment and figure this thing out as we go.  So far, she's tried Yoga (I chickened out, I'm soo not ready for that) and I've tried the elyptical machine.  My jelly legs today tell me that I did get a pretty good leg workout from my cardio workout! Tomorrow we are checking out the spinning class.  I'm a little nervous.  I mean, is there a weight limit on those tiny little bikes? Anyway, we shall see.  I'm just so glad to have someone to go with and keep me accountable.  As this past week without my office walking partner has demonstrated, I need this accountability. 
All in all, the week was not a total bust as I lost almost 3 lbs.  Imagine what I could do if I put some more effort into it.  I'm on my way!

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